Puluhan Wanita Kampanye Telanjang Dada

Puluhan wanita menggelar kampanye telanjang dada di persimpangan Kota New York, Amerika Serikat. Mereka menuntut hak agar diperbolehkan telanjang dada dimanapun mereka berada.

Seperti dikutip Dailymail, Rabu (29/8), lebih dari 24 wanita dibawah Organisasi National Go Topless Day ini, menuntut hak wanita yang sama dengan kaum lelaki, untuk bebas bertelanjang dada. Aksi yang dilakukan untuk memperingati Hari Telanjang Dada Nasional ini, mengundang perhatian orang yang melintas di kawasan itu. Beberapa warga yang melihat langsung mengabadikan momen tersebut, dengan memotret menggunakan kamera ponsel.
Demo telanjang dada juga terjadi di sekitar 30 kota di AS dan 10 negara di dunia. Menurut salah seorang penyelenggara aksi Karen Heaven, bertelanjang dada adalah sebuah hak dan kebebasan di era sekarang. "Tidak ada yang salah dengan puting wanita. Saya punya dua, anjing saya enam, tapi saya bisa dipenjara karena menunjukkan puting saya. Ini tahun 2012 bung, apa yang anda pikirkan" katanya.

Free your breasts: Yesterday, activists marched in a rally in Times Square to protest for the right of women to go topless anywhere

White out: Wearing white pants, black heels, and not much else, activist Karen Heaven is followed by photographers as she marches in the event in New York

Nearly naked: Robert Burck, centre, also known as the Naked Cowboy, performs for the women as they marched in Times Square

Family friendly? Two activists pose in the heart of Times Square with a person in an Elmo costume while the press swarms around them

    Lara Terstenjak, the Go Topless Regional Director, lead hundreds of topless ladies as they protest the law saying that women must cover their nipples while out in public

    Cover up

    Top free: Protesters turn out to take part in the 5th Annual Go Topless Rally in Venice Beach, California

    Gawkers: Men of all ages at the Venice Beach protest took the opportunity to capture the moment on cell phones and cameras

    Disappointing: About a dozen women bared their breasts in Asheville, North Carolina this year, dozens less than the year before

    Canadian pride: A woman in fairy wings protested in Toronto, Canada

    Earth angels: The women in Toronto showed up in all white

    Strength in numbers: In Seattle, men wore bikini tops while the women went bare-chested